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Selected Work: Projects

Fast, Reliable, and Secure Drone Communication: A Comprehensive Survey

(Manuscript Accepted under minor revision)

Hassija, V., Chamola V., Agrawal, A., Goyal, A., Luong, N.C., Niyato, D., Yu, F.R. and Guizani M., in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. URL: Click here

Visual Project


Toxic Content Intent Detection

CCTV Monitoring & Reporting

Minor Project- II (6th sem)

NLP project to detect toxic content in the chat, classify it into one or more categories of toxicity using a self-attentive encoder-decoder framework, and report it using an action bot.

Minor Project (5th sem)

Deep learning and computer vision project for anomaly detection and reporting in video surveillance footage using UCF-Crime dataset using multiple instance learning.

Catch the Pink Flamingo

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Big Data Specialization

Big Data project on a game called Catch the Pink Flamingo. Used Neo4j and KNIME to perform decision-tree classification and K-Means clustering analysis.

Summer Training Project

Data Science project using Python to detect fraud cases of credit card using Logistic Regression in the given data set, which obtained using PCA.

Selected Work: Projects
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